All Premium Memberships Only $39.99! Try Before You Buy Free 50 Question Sample Exam

Sign up for our real estate prep exam membership

Our online interactive program was designed by professional real estate instructors to bring a complete study and preparation system to our members. We have developed a Premium Package consisting of our Three-Step Interactive Program, which Guarantees that you will pass the test!

After studying most other online exam platforms on the market we built a program with superior functionality, study materials, and exam questions so we can proudly say that we offer the best online prep available. Eliminate any fears or anxieties you might have about taking your Pearson VUE and PSI licensing exam by experiencing the real thing as our exams are built with the same format as the actual test allowing you to gain a sense of timing while solidifying your understanding of the material. Check out our Testimonials and see for yourself how our program has impacted our members.


I passed my exams! Your web site helped me immensely! Thanks!
Steve L.

I do love your program, it is giving me confidence that I can absorb this information and pass the exam.
Debra B.

Thanks, Bill the course helped me a lot!
Bob K.

Your program is wonderful!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Today, I’ve taken two of each test and scored 87% to 96%….you have helped me not to worry.
Sondra C.

Thanks Bill, Could not believe it myself, first attempt. It was nice meeting you and the prep class really helped.
Jamie F.

Just a quick note to thank you for last week’s prep course I took the PSI real estate exam on Friday afternoon and got a 90%!! I doubt I would have got as high a score without your class and I think I would have struggled to even pass it! Many of the questions that came up were covered in your class so I knew exactly what the answers were. There were a few difficult ones of course, including one on asbestos which was unexpected!! Thanks again!
John S.
Thanks to your excellent program and outstanding prep materials I too can be added to the “First Time Go” folks – smile. Again Thanks, and a Big Hooah !!!
CW4 Bernard Grissett
U.S. Army (Ret)

Guarantee Policy

We are so confident that you will pass your State and National Exams That we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee

Option 1: 100% Money Back Guarantee
After completing our inter-active prep course and following the three steps to passing the real estate exam, if you do not pass after making three attempts we will refund 100% of your money. Refunds will be made upon request and with proper documentation stating that you were unsuccessful in passing your exam.

Requirements to receive your 100% refund:

  • Guarantee only valid for Premium memberships
  • Failure to pass both state and/or national exam
  • Providing us with three test results forms showing failure to pass
  • Completion of form Request for Refund
  • Must have taken licensing exam within 3 weeks of taking your last Online Real Estate Prep Exam
  • Verification from your real estate commission that no license was issued

Option 2: FREE Renewals
If you fail the exam, we will provide you with unlimited free membership renewals until you pass. Upon choosing this option you will waive the right of the 100% refund policy.

* All memberships are for a term of 6 months